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staking4ADA \u2014 Pool Updates<\/span><\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n
Finally some good news for 4ADA2 'hodlers': 125% blocks! Now, we gotta catch 'em first, but that is no longer a real problem these days, except for an occasional lost slot battle (we win most of them).Also 4ADA (113%) and 4ADA3 (130%) have nice reward outlooks.The reality is though that rewards have been lower for all pools and all delegators in recent weeks, since the total staked amount has been steadily increasing to 12.7B ADA, which is some 6% more than a month ago.Also, the block conversion rate has been very high since a week or two, with 92~96% of all blocks successfully minted, which means the block reward has been lower.Let's enjoy those rewards while they last, in a few weeks it may all be over and it is still unclear if staking on mainnet is going to be just as profitable.Happy staking! \u2600\ufe0f<\/b><\/i><\/div>\n\n